Elmcrest Baptist Church
Glorifying God Supremely
Loving People Unconditionally
Keeping Christ Central in all We Do
Elmcrest Baptist Church
Glorifying God Supremely
Loving People Unconditionally
Keeping Christ Central in all We Do
Your kids will love our church! We want to create a place where the entire family can belong and love following Jesus.
517 N Pioneer Drive Abilene,Texas 79603
SUNDAYS 10:30 am
Since the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are inerrant, infallible, inspired by God and reveal His eternal will and purpose in Christ Jesus, they shall stand as the sole authority and guide for the faith and practice of this church. The 2000 statement of The Baptist Faith and Message expresses the doctrinal convictions of this congregation. The church shall observe the ordinances of believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper as symbolic testimonies and remembrances of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
Have questions? We have the answers!
517 N Pioneer Drive Abilene,Texas 79603
Sundays 10:30 am (in-person & online on Facebook)
Adult Sunday School begins at 9:15am
Children's Sunday school begins at 9:15am
Parking is located in front of the building marked "Elmcrest Worship Center" as you enter the parking lot from Pioneer Dr.
Elmcrest is a family friendly church. we believe that children are a blessing from God and should be taught about God and his plan for the world in a fun learning environment.
-our 1st - 5th graders have Sunday school at 9:15am.
-all children are welcome to join you in the worship service.
-we currently and temporarily do not have a supervised nursery but we do have "cry rooms" when needed.
We worship God through music, singing, and prayer during the first half of the service. The second half is spent studying God’s Word together. Elmcrest is committed to expository Bible teaching, which is essentially teaching the main idea of a given passage, and then making God’s truth relevant to our everyday life. At the end of the service, there is opportunity to respond to God through prayer, personal discussions and other forms of worship. You are welcome to request prayer, make private or even public next steps and commitments to God.
We believe that God wants to be involved in our everyday lives, so we present the ageless truths of the Bible in a format that's easy to understand, even if you’ve never
been to church.
The sermon will be over a certain section of the Bible.
Application will be made to daily life.
We are committed to expository preaching which means we teach the main point of the Bible text. We typically go verse by verse through entire books of the Bible. Though occasionally we will discuss the Bible.
At Elmcrest we want to create a welcoming environment for those who are curious about God.
You don't have to believe what we believe to be welcome in our worship services.
If you are interested in serving at Elmcrest you can speak to pastor Stephen or any of our deacons and you will be provided guidance to fulfill your calling to serve.
Some wear a suit and others jeans, shorts, tennis shoes or flip flops. Don't feel like you have to "dress up" to come to Elmcrest.